Note for Farmers

Please refrain from spraying the RM right of way when spraying your fields. Thank you for your cooperation!

RM of Riverside Poundkeepers

Greg Oldhaver, Randy Robertson, Kendall Day, Kirk Anderson

Well Locations

Well Locations listed are for Ratepayer use only

Please No Sprayers! Be aware this water is not potable.

SW 10-17-16 w3m

SE 17-17-18 w3m

SW 36-17-17 w3m

NW 33-18-18 w3m

SE 06-16-16 w3m

Custom Work Rates

Grader: $120/hr ratepayer, $160/hr non-ratepayer

Payloader: $120/hr ratepayer, $170/hr Non-ratepayer

Fire Truck: $100/hr, 4 hr minimum

Gravel Tandem and Trailers are not available for custom work rental. For more information or to request a rental, please call the RM Office (306) 626-3255.